Posts of #狂飙F1
大杂烩 (0030): 世纪德比2015第一战
Chapter 1. 久违的Formula 1
Champion Heart
Chapter 1. 史上第一个六连冠
一场酣畅淋漓的决赛,6-0/6-1的数据证明了血洗对手的威力,Nadal又一次回到大家的视野。 在他破了十一个月的冠军荒之后; 在他拿到公开赛时代第一个六连冠之后; 只有Champion Heart还在, Nadal总会重回巅峰。
去 当小贝躺在担架上泪流满面; 当劳尔在皇马发布会上不再提及世界杯; 当欧文依旧流连在手术台和健身房; 当小罗的笑容在邓加的大名单前渐渐僵硬;
当他们都在世界杯前转身, 我才发现, 我们的青春已经落幕。
来 当舒马赫以第六的成绩落寞的走向奔驰的服务区;
大杂烩VI. 唯一不变的是变化
Chapter 1. F1之殇
复出 VS 取消复出
BMW Quit!
Honda Quit! Who’ll be the next?
A perfect weekend
- Ferrari win in Australia, the first F1 race of 2007!
- Real Madrid win!
- HIH Client 1.0 is released!
HIH Client is an application which come from PIH project, built on Microsoft .Net Framework. I took six months to do the movement, from MFC (PIH built on MFC, using C++) to FCL (ADO.Net, Form programming, etc.). And, proud to say, I am an experienced .Net programmer now, after finished 100,000 lines of C# codes.
Major features of HIHClient:
- Using Database file instead of self defintion data format.
- High security of file, the encryption module written in C++ still.
- Supports all (almost?) database collection, because I realized two types of connection: SQL Server and OleDb (Access, Oracle, whatever)…
- Search functionality, you can search everything.
- Intergated more modules, as it name says ‘Home Information Hub’, such as Books, Movie, Discs have been added.
- New UI module (Fish Ren’s Word: Coool!), based on a free component Krpton Toolkit.
- More powerful options, lots of Configurable Objects, configure it as you will.
- Multi-languages, as PIH does. But it supports switch languages dynamically.
- More Extensive, supports plug-in application..
- User access control, as PIH does.
- Multiple users as previous version.
Good bye, Schumi; Good bye, Beckham!
After a great show in Brazil, Schumi retired. From now on, we can only see Schumi’s driving from the videos. Let me write a little more about Alonso, it is hard to say, because he is also a fans of Real Madrid, and next year he will join Malaren team, during the meantime, our company is a sponsor of Malaren team; so, congratulation to he anyway.
Great, Schumi!
Long holiday, long trip.
2006, A year to say good bye...
Michacel Schumi has said good bye to us today, after winning the race in Italy, Formula One.