A pretty girl @ 2 years old
A pretty girl named Qianqian (茜茜) is my niece, about two years old.
Photos of ECNU
Just several photos of East China Normal University (ECNU):
I am totally lost in the choice between Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition and Microsoft JET Engine, though I have written an article as a free ad. for Microsoft SQL Server Compact, click here to see that article.
Flickr setup a new picture server!
Regarding the new picture server, I guess the amount of pictures have exceeded the capability of the old two servers, so Flickr (perhaps it’s better to call it Yahoo) setup a new picture server, and all the new-added photo works fine now !
That’s great, right? But when can the old two servers would be kicked off from the black-list of our party?
Anyway, Currently I am doing very hard to do the post-process (via Photoshop CS3 which I just solved the install issue on Vista system) upon the photos in Sanya, as well as the photos of Accenture’s Badminton match. In additional, there also some poor quality photos of Andy Lau’s Concert (because my lens maximum length only to be 105 * 1.6, and I can not offer a VIP site).
PS, the concert of Andy Lau is totally a different style of Jacky Zhang’s. As all known, the Jacky Zhang own a better voice, but Andy Lau is a better actor and he was very good at raise the atmosphere of the audience. Also that Andy Lau’s team prepare several better exciting ideas than Jacky’s.
Good bye, Jose Mourinho
Jose left Chelsea in quite a sudden.
How to install Photoshop CS3 on Vista 64bit
Adobe Creative Suite 3 application installer closes with error code 2739 in Windows Vista
ACReciter Beta 1.0
In fact, I had decided to read more books instead of written so many codes (mostly in C# now). However when I finished the travel to Nanjing, I can not help myself to write another application again - I need a reciter application to record any word or sentence anywhere.
Tourist of Nanjing
Special thanks to Waterson.
10 years
I can’t remember the exactly date when I leaving home to be a student of Tongji University, but I quite sure that is someday in August of 1997 - the same year when Hongkong back to China.
And, now, it is August again, in year 2007.
10 years have gone…
No one can stop the progress of the time, as well as nobody can skip becoming old. Then I ask myself, when looking back to the previous 10 years, what I have done, and what has been marked in my mind, and do I satisfy about that?
Of course, it is impossible to get an answer simply, but I think I will remember this time period till my life’s end.
十年 By Alva Chien
十年前,我经常写文字;十年后,我经常写代码。 十年前,我经常骑车;十年后,我经常挤地铁。 十年前,老是在家待不住;十年后,我希望每个双休日都赖在家里。 十年前,我脑袋看起来很大;十年后,每个人见到我都说我胖了,有小肚子了。 十年前,可以跟很多女生打电话;十年后,开始习惯每天给老婆打电话。 十年前,希望大家别把我当孩子;十年后,开始期待自己的孩子。 十年前,到处说自己十八岁;十年后,别人问起年纪时,才说一句,二十七了,末了,补一下,周岁。 十年前,骄傲跟所有人宣布:我考上了同济大学;十年后,跟人介绍自己:读了四年混了个本科文凭。 十年前,最欣赏的是郑智化,因为那苍凉的歌声能够总能够让年少轻狂的无知平抑下来;十年后,最佩服的是刘德华,已经开始真正明白这个世界最伟大的是勤奋和毅力,而不是天赋。 十年前,最大的梦想是出人头地,坚信“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”;十年后,历经败走清华园之后,逐渐明白,很多事情更重要的是选对方向,否则吃再多的苦也是白吃。 十年前,可以像伟人一样写下“孩儿立志出乡关,学不成名誓不还”的信笺;十年后,在重新发现当初这张写着名句的发黄的信纸后,乘着没人注意,悄悄的把它撕了,居然心头好似放下一块大石:总算毁掉一个证据了。 十年前,总是酬躇满志,为自己规划着每个月的计划和日程;十年后,每年同样会给自己做一个计划表并贴在墙上,偶尔注意一下的时候,发现能及时完成的项目屈指可数,而大部分的项目横亘数年而进度条规然不动。 十年前,坚定的相信人定胜天;十年后,相信只有一些特殊的情况下人能胜天,而且那样的成功的例子大家都知道且津津乐道,而失败的例子俯拾皆是,却没人愿意提起。 十年前,对新的事物很向往很憧憬,有着单身浪迹天涯的冲动;十年后,发现懂得也多拘束也越多,当再次考虑周游世界,第一反应永远是有足够的储蓄吗? 十年前,自信到自傲,总是认为自己聪明非凡, 每次听到别人的成功故事,总是在心里暗暗较劲,希望有一天自己能成为别人口中更为伟大的成功事迹;十年后,明白人活着不是为了超越别人,而是超越自己,而且这个世界很大,每个人都有属于自己的一片天空。 十年前,做一件事情心无旁骛,做一道题就能专心致志,双耳不闻窗外事;十年后,发现要让自己静下心需要一个过程,而且更多的时候都在反复的强调客观条件的缺少来为自己开脱。 十年前,我待在江苏的老家,做着井底之蛙的美梦,觉得世界很美好,生活很单调我却要求不高;十年后,我留在上海,觉得世界速度太快,很容易身心俱疲,这个世界太大,人太渺小。 十年前,朋友很多,随便叫上一两知己就可以玩通宵;十年后,就算再好的朋友,不事先约好时间就很难凑一块,而且我至今叫不出跟我家门对门那家主人的名字。
I got 30D
After the price of 30D has reduced about 1000 CNY, I decided to get it instead of waitting for 40D any more. I am quite sure that 30D will fulfil my requirement now.
Thanks a lot for dear LD, I can’t get it if without your approval. I would like to state that I will still love you even I can’t get your approval
An old album, published in 1996
Healthy is everything
After the accidents on Fish has been happened, I begun to know that healthy is everything. And compare to healthy, nothing will be important, including the 30th championship of Real Madrid, also including the latest movies.
Victory is in sight!
The real man_David Beckham
There are three months passed after David Beckham come back to Real Madrid’s squad, and during those days, No. 23 of Real Madrid played lots of great games which causes the coach of England decided to take him in.
Then, I would like to say, it is nothing to proud of David Beckham, because he earn a highest salary from the club and he should and could be the most contributor. And he just come back to the old days which he serviced in MU, act as a best player in the midfield.
Let’s go to the point of this blog entry: he is a real man. Just because he fight like a soldier. He asked the coach to join the game with the pain in his left leg, and even has been hurted again, he still insist to complete the game, and everybody who watching this game has found that his stride became jerky; he no longer seemed capable of walking without staggering! What his has done just a real man will do.
And, I bring my respect and good wishes to him. Wish he realizes the objective - go to the US with the cup of the league.
Using Windows Vista 64-bit Version
Finally, I got the 64-bit Windows Vista Home Premium to instead of the unactived version, and it’s great that the new OS supports 4G memory very well.
However, there comes lots of other issues I have met:
- Concerning the language input, only Microsoft ships the 64-bit version PinYin method.
- Internet Explorer 64-bit should be the most pure and safe web browser, because lots of web controls can’t fit the capability with this version, for example, the most used control - Adobe Flash Player can not run on that.
- Windows Media Player 11 which shiped with Vista looks strange, it can not set the advanced options while the lower version of WMP do support.
- The drivers are limited, of course, the biggest producer, such as Intel, nVidia has released their own 64bit Vista solution. In fact, the drivers which support Vista is significant less than Windows XP, and 64-bit OS make thing worst.
- Some applications didn’t support Vista at all, even Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005. Fortunately, Microsoft offers the service package to fit it. But it is quite different with the other products, for example, nVidia PureVideo Decoder is a powerful decode which will enable the PureVideo of nVidia graphics cards when playing HD solution video files, but the decoder do not support Vista. Of course, some games will be refuse to install or run for they can not recognize the DirextX 10.
- The key point, performance issues. From my own test, lots of application supports 64-bit Vista, but all run on WOW64 - a new technology offered by Microsoft to run Win32 application upon x64 or IA64 OS, it is obvious the performance will lost for the transportion. I didn’t read out the official paper from Microsoft, but a third party report says, the performance lost is limited, and can be omitted with compared to Windows XP, and this third party test upon the wide-used softwares, such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop. For my point of view, this result is acceptable but still need enhancement.
- For my own applications, they all fall into the hell. Because a CPU-neutral .NET application run on 64-bit OS, the OS will start a 64-bit address space, unfortunately, I realize the IO part using C++ under Win32 solution. The 64-bit address space can not load a Win32 module and vice versa. It seems I need hard work to do.
As a conclusion, it will need another 2-3 years then 64-bit can be populars.
New PC launched!
After 54 months, we decided to buy a new PC, because current used PC has become unstabled and has been confirmed as a hardware issue.
Here comes my solution: Hardware: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 MainBoard: GIGABYTE P965-DS3 (rev. 3.3) Memory: Geil DDR2 800 1G * 4 Harddisk: Seagate 320G Graphics: nVidia G8600GT
You will go through tough times, it’s about coming through that.
Centenary Celebration of TongJi University
20 May, the Centenary Celebration of TongJi University will start.
Yesterday (5 May), I visit the campus in a short tour, and bought several souvenir for keeping the memory. Nevertheless, I wish TongJi University can back to top 10 universities as soon as possible. As a graduated student of TongJi university, I will bring all my thanks to her, and all my respects.
That's life!
Last weekend, (Sat.: 14.04.07/Sun.: 15.04.07), I put lots of time at the hospital, suffering the smells and waiting for the day that the doctor allow us to leave. This weekend, (Sat.: 21.04.07/Sun.: 22.04.07), we schedule our timeline to AUTO Shanghai 2007 after the Jacky Cheung’s Concert.
Staying with you...
We all faced the problems, and be forced to change the schedule. Sometimes we have to waitting for an unknown furture.
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