Posts of #职场生涯
仿佛过了无数个世纪,经过了疫情肆虐的恐慌后,终于,我们终于被允许回归办公室了,虽然Work From Home依旧是推荐的方式。
虽然没有完成一场说走就走的旅行,却还是临时起意决定给自己放个小长假。即便在这个假期不能出去旅行,而且,很大的可能是,整个假期都只能待在书房里面。多读点书吧,算是为了今年读书计划做出点贡献,也可以让墙上贴着的关于读书的To-Do List不需要这么面目狰狞。闷头写多点文字吧,不管是那些需要交差或仅供自己消遣的文字,都是自己生命轨迹的痕迹。
Day 9 of 21
Distance: 4.0Km Time: 30.36 Min App. Speed: 7.8 KM/h
四十五岁风满楼 —— 也谈唐骏的学位门事件
李开复同学离开Google了,虽然没有当年离开Microsoft的动静大,却也在国内IT业震动了一番。不过在偶看来,其言行越来越酷似足坛的Figo,从MS跳到Google,如同Figo从巴萨投皇马,而这次跳槽类似于Figo去国米。 回想一下第一次知道李开复同学的名字,还得追溯到那些其名目繁多的公开信,又是《我的人才观》,又是《给中国学生的X封信》,据说李开复同学还出过书,肯定又是大把的跟随者掏银子支持他。
偶留意了一下李开复同学的X封信: 《给中国学生的一封信:从诚信谈起》 《给中国学生的第二封信:从优秀到卓越》 《给中国学生的第三封信:成功、自信、快乐》 《给中国学生的第四封信:大学四年应是这样度过》 《给中国学生的第五封信:你有选择的权利》 《给中国学生的第六封信:选择的智慧》 《给中国学生的第七封信——21世纪最需要的7种人才》 君不见,写了七封公开信,李开复同学都只字未提“尊重”。哈佛学子李开复同学洋洋洒洒的强调了一通看重自身发展,也格外重视了选择的权利和智慧,又故意(或是无意)忽略了讨论一下尊重别人。显然哈佛学子李开复的字典里面没有尊重。这就不难解释李开复心安理得的从微软跳槽到竞争对手Google那里且立刻到任,更心安理得的写书发信,完全没有对老东家微软的尊重,更藐视被激怒了的微软发起的诉讼。
偶无意批评李开复同学。偶只是觉得,Figo或许是世界最佳右前卫,但其跳槽皇马的行径,注定了其永不值得被尊重,李开复同学亦如此。 道理很简单:“不尊重别人的人,不配得到别人的尊重”。
是为之记。 Alva Chien 2009.09.04
有幸跟Chairman Song一起吃午饭,(注:Chairman是指Food Commitee的Chairman;午饭地点,当然是公司食堂),有位Facility的美女在Chairman Song用餐时不停的申诉,于是偶更加有幸的听到以下轶事:
偶们单位有人因工作时间下载40GB的电影被Fire,也有人因为中午吃饭拿7盒酸奶被Fire;(注:食堂中午为偶们提供水果一个,酸奶或饮料一个);原因是这位仁兄的同事实在看不下去了,向Facility举报了他。 偶们单位有人早上去Coffee Corner拿咖啡机里面的牛奶喝,被质问时振振有词:“早上忘了喝牛奶了”。导致别的想喝Milk Coffer或者卡布奇诺的同事经常找阿姨抱怨,咖啡机又没牛奶了。 偶们单位有人在中午打饭时,只要大荤中的鸡翅,被工作人员拒绝后,愤而投诉:“我别的小荤、蔬菜都不要,就全部打鸡翅,不行啊?” 偶们单位有人在食堂吃晚饭,尤其是19:30之后,拿乐扣乐扣的饭盒去打包。美女用手比划着饭盒大小:“喏,这么大哦,两个人肯定够了”。(注,在19:30后,晚饭是由偶们单位买单,而19:30之前,每份晚饭要6块RMB)。
Chairman Song听完,面无表情,淡淡的说:“这有啥,我放在冰箱的冷饮还被人吃了呢”。 惹得大国米的方大侠在一旁摇头Sigh:“素质啊素质”。
是为之记。 Alva Chien 2009.07.31
谁再提大师,偶就告诉您,您才是大师,您全家全TM是大师。大家一起Zhuangbility,大家一起做大师。如果还要继续,偶只能说Master of Shit,看,缩写是MS,很强大的名字。
忙,很忙,非常忙,极度忙。破天荒的连续几个礼拜在家继续写ABAP。还要Suffering这种SOA架构下的痛苦——当Server Unavailable的时候,Client/Browser端跳脚骂都没有效果,连写点Temporary Code都没有可能性,那一霎那,很缅怀Visual SourceSafe那破破的UI,那很让人BS的Merage算法(开放Multiple Check out的系统)。
前几天,数个同事跑来跟我说“生日快乐”,本来很感动,后来才知道那个我玩过两个礼拜的开心网像发送垃圾邮件一样发送着朋友生日提醒。无论如何,真心诚意的在这里感谢一下各位,让我这个挂着2字头的最后一个生日有点跟以往不同。Thank you!
是为之记。 Alva Chien/大Q 2009.03.05
势在必行的Evolution I
有没有一件事情是你一直想做的,却一直被这样的那样的借口敷衍掉? 有没有一件事情开始了很长时间,却被杂七杂八的理由拖得无法进行下去? 有没有一个人你一直当他/她是兄弟、朋友,而他/她拿你不当回事? 有没有一个人是你很想痛扁一顿的,却不得不微笑着跟他/她虚与委蛇?
Impossible is nothing, and, Regret is nothing, too.
I have writen a article
, now, I just try to write another, with the name , but after think it over, I decide to use the name as the article is used. Time is going by when I got the training in SAP Labs China, new technology, new environment, new company, new workmates, and new route selected to go to work. Sometimes, I will feel sorry about the things I selected, just like SAP Labs China, there are a big gap between my anticipatory and the fact, in a word, feel losting, and I can not point it out which reason cause this, and as I discuss the topic with** Esther**, in my mind, maybe **Microsoft **is a better selection for me. I am shocked by my theory, and I tried to find it out why. **SAP Labs China **will not support a suitable position for the person who engaged for new technique, and hunger for the core mechanism of a successful system, in contrast, there are rich in logic, and only business logic.
Esther will give me the bigest support as usual. But I should not feel regret at all, I make the decision for the direction change, and I make a lot of preparion for it. Fighting with the lost feeling, a battle between me and myself, just like the advisements of Nike. No C++ any more, no technique accumlation any more. Same as the new employee, neck byneck, to start the new trail together, so, forget the C++ or the other technqiue which I proud of before, fighting for a new field – business logic.
As is ment in my previous article, the key of success is stick to your own decision, hold it on, and keep it, so, you can get the success as you wish. I do **NOT **think a person’s success depends on the future he/she owned, however, I think it only depends on the target he or she working for. Get it, success, otherwise, lost.
So, Regret, as well as Impossible, means nothing to a winner, and it will be a good friend of the loser usually.
P.S. Today, after missed three phone calls, I got the last one, there is another HR from SAP Labs China, working for another group, asking me to attend a interview, I cannot image it out when I told her I already a member of SAP Labs China^_^.
Let’s end of this entry, I missing the days with long hair, maybe I should recur the pattern again, and why not?
Switch to another direction, and say bye to C++/Windows platform
Finally, I have changed my direction of career, give up the C++ and windows development, to star up a new phase of my career life.
Rules to work with colleague
Work hard and keep it!
The day before yesterday, I got an interview in HP for a suitable position. I am not sure about HP can give me an offer, but I just try. During the processing of the interview, I found the guy who are doing interview to me is very depth in the technologies which I always be proud of, such as C, Windows 32 platform. In the viewpoint of those guys, Linux is a same one as UNIX and Windows, for there are all load the file(executable) into memory and then got the address of code and parameters and RUN it, it is so similar in all OSs. But to me, it is to hard to explain the format of PE structure and find the bugs only by the error status report of the CPU and memory status. And, I don’t know how long it will be caused for me to being so professional like him.
Give up the offer from ShanDa
Today, I have given up the offer by ShanDa, but, I have make several mistakes with it.