I have writen a article , now, I just try to write another, with the name , but after think it over, I decide to use the name as the article is used.

Time is going by when I got the training in SAP Labs China, new technology, new environment, new company, new workmates, and new route selected to go to work. Sometimes, I will feel sorry about the things I selected, just like SAP Labs China, there are a big gap between my anticipatory and the fact, in a word, feel losting, and I can not point it out which reason cause this, and as I discuss the topic with** Esther**, in my mind, maybe **Microsoft **is a better selection for me. I am shocked by my theory, and I tried to find it out why. **SAP Labs China **will not support a suitable position for the person who engaged for new technique, and hunger for the core mechanism of a successful system, in contrast, there are rich in logic, and only business logic.

Esther will give me the bigest support as usual. But I should not feel regret at all, I make the decision for the direction change, and I make a lot of preparion for it. Fighting with the lost feeling, a battle between me and myself, just like the advisements of Nike. No C++ any more, no technique accumlation any more. Same as the new employee, neck byneck, to start the new trail together, so, forget the C++ or the other technqiue which I proud of before, fighting for a new field – business logic.

As is ment in my previous article, the key of success is stick to your own decision, hold it on, and keep it, so, you can get the success as you wish. I do **NOT **think a person’s success depends on the future he/she owned, however, I think it only depends on the target he or she working for. Get it, success, otherwise, lost.

So, Regret, as well as Impossible, means nothing to a winner, and it will be a good friend of the loser usually.

P.S. Today, after missed three phone calls, I got the last one, there is another HR from SAP Labs China, working for another group, asking me to attend a interview, I cannot image it out when I told her I already a member of SAP Labs China^_^.

Let’s end of this entry, I missing the days with long hair, maybe I should recur the pattern again, and why not?