From last saturday, I can’t login my Live Account on Windows Live Messenger, and the other sevices work fine, that means I can access my mailbox and Spaces like before.

As I always got an error code 81000306, I check the help document offered by Microsoft, unfortunately, concerning this error code, the description just inform something wrong in my client setting. The funny thing is, I tried on three computers (because I only have three in my home), they all failed with my account, but all succeed with my LD’s. I guess a man with less computer knowledge can make sure that the problem located in Sever side not the Client.

So, I reported this bug to Microsoft.

First, a Chinese Microsoft Customer Support engineer give me the reply, he just copy and paste the document from the help document, I have to ask them to look the error description carefully and avoid sent the help document again. That guy then no answer. Then, I have to reported to Microsoft US directly, this time, the Customer Support give me a detail reply totally different with help document, but it still workless. And after my reply back agin, the US guy ask me to give them a permission to check my account. For there are time difference, I have to wait till now, and four days have past, I still can’t report the bug to Microsoft developer directly, and I don’t know the progress in detail. I can do nothing but waitting.