Several days ago I heard the old song name ‘Clouds of Hometown’, the singer is Fei, Xiang, a famous star in 1980’s who from TaiWan province.

There are some sentences moved me: **我已是满怀疲惫, 眼里是酸楚的泪, 那故乡的风和故乡的云, 为我抹去创痕;

我曾经豪情万丈, 归来却空空的行囊, 那故乡的风和故乡的云, 为我抚平创伤。**

P.S. Yesterday evening, a man discuss the boring topic with me that a student from MIT or Stanford will be excellent or not. I know what he mean, he always believe that he is the best, and he will not accept a concept that the crowd always mark the student depend on his school. Anyway, do you best then you will be the best, otherwise, you went to prove that you are better than the student from MIT or Stanford, you can do something successfully. Right? But I think it will be worthless to do so, just be youself, and take everything easy, you is succeed just because you have been youself already.