After I have put a month to study the C# under the .Net Framework 2.0 and have writen a Windows Form version P.I.H., I am satisified with current status, and the GP of C# is great, and C# is powerful tool and much more easier than C++, but it still low performance in execution, maybe upgrade my notebook is one of best solutions.

Then, I put my attention to ASP.Net now, it is quite different with the Web dynpro technology based on SAP Netweave platform, but, Microsoft document is full and easy-use than SAP’s, so it is very easy to find out the documents which you need, even some special problems need solved by myself still. However, SQL Server 2005 Express edition is a free tool and fit all my requirements as a tool to do exercises, and ADO.Net support all functionalities too. Anyway, SAP Netweave is just a platform for SAP system, ASP.Net is the only weapon which is developed by Microsoft, and it stands for a weapon which must fight against the Java system.

5 years goes by…

From C++/STL/MFC/COM/DirectX

To: C#/FCL/ASP.Net/ADO.Net

and, ABAP/SAP/Web dynpro

So, what is the next?